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May 17

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. — Matt 6:33

We need have only one care, that we put the first thing first faithfulness to God. Then all else we need for both worlds will be supplied. God will never fail us; but we forget, sometimes, in our rejoicing over such an assurance, that we must fulfil our part if we would claim the divine promise.

It will not always be easy. Tomorrow it may mean a distasteful task, a disagreeable duty, a costly sacrifice for one who does not seem worthy. Life is full of sore testings of our willingness to follow the Good Shepherd. We have not the slightest right to claim this assurance unless we have taken Christ as the guide of our life. — J. R. Miller.

Daily Quiet Time - May 17

Public domain content taken from Devotional for the Quiet Hour by D.L. Moody.

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