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July 15

As the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk. — 1 Cor 7:17

The religion of Christ touches every phase of life.

No question of duty can ever arise, but the gospel has a bearing upon it. It teaches great principles which apply to all relations of life. There is a Christian way of meeting every experience.

Paul shows in this chapter how a Christian should act in certain matters with which some might say religion has nothing to do. We may learn that there is no path on which Christ does not walk with us.

The Rev. Dr. W. J. Dawson preached a sermon on “the unavoidable Christ.”

We never can get away from Him. There is no part of the world where we would be beyond His authority. There is no experience of life in which we do not need to ask Him what He would have us do. There are no possible relationships in which the teaching of Christ has no word of duty for us. There are no tasks in which we do not need to have His help. There are no lines of duty in which we do not need the light of His Spirit.

Mornings With God - July 15

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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