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July 17

It were better for me to die, than that any man should make my glorying void. — 1 Cor 9:15

Dr. George MacDonald says somewhere that the grandest thing about our rights is that being our own we can give them up if we wish.

Paul asserts that he had certain undisputed rights as an apostle, a minister of Christ. He quotes Old Testament law to prove it. It was forbidden to muzzle the ox when he was treading out the corn. It was not merely the ox that was in God’s mind when he gave this law, but His own servants. They had a right to support from those for whom they labored. Yet Paul had renounced his rights in this regard. He preached the gospel without charge.

A great many pastors and Christian workers do the same in whole or in part. All who love Christ should be ready to make every needful sacrifice in doing His work, in carrying His gospel to others.

The Church seems to be waking up now to the greatness of its responsibility for the salvation of the world. We should shrink from no toil or cost in winning souls.

Mornings With God - July 17

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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