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March 24

Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honor. — Prov 3:16

Long life is not in itself a blessing.

There is a legend of one who had a promise that the thing he asked for, whatever it might be, he would get. He prayed that he might not die, and his request was granted. He lived on and on. But he had forgotten to ask that he might not grow old, and so his gift became an intolerable burden. No doubt right living tends to longevity. Sin shortens life.

One year of wise and Christ–like living, earnest and faithful, is better than ten years of selfishness and sin. “Riches and honor” are part of wisdom’s portion. It may not be this world’s riches and honor. True riches are those we can carry out of this world with us.

Wisdom teaches us how to use even money so that it shall enrich us in eternity. What we keep and spend on ourselves we lose. What we give away in Christ’s name is all we really make our own forever. What we sacrifice for Christ we shall find again and have forever.

Mornings With God - March 24

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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