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September 20

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. — Phil 1:21

It is a splendid watch–word for life that Paul gives us here – “To me to live is Christ.”

A great many people could not fill out the sentence in that way, if they were to write honestly the purpose and motive of their life. Some would write, “To me to live is to make money,” or “to gratify my appetites.”

Every Christian should be able to make Paul’s word his own – “To me to live is Christ.”

This means that the one purpose of our living is to honor Christ, to serve Him, to do His will, to love and obey Him, and to advance His kingdom. When one lives thus, one never questions the wisdom of any use of His life Christ may make. If He wants us to work, that is well. If He lays us aside to suffer, it is all right. If He sets aside our plans, we do not complain. Whether He leads us into sorrow or into joy, it matters not.

Our life is his, and whatsoever pleases Him is right.

Mornings With God - September 20

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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