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August 14

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. — Ps 121:1

My grace is sufficient for thee. — 2 Cor 12:9

I look to Thee in every need,
And never look in vain;
I feel Thy touch, Eternal Love,
And all is well again:
The thought of Thee is mightier far
Than sin and pain and sorrow are.

How can you live sweetly amid the vexatious things, the irritating things, the multitude of little worries and frets, which lie all along your way, and which you cannot evade? You cannot at present change your surroundings. Whatever kind of life you are to live, must be lived amid precisely the experiences in which you are now moving. Here you must win your victories or suffer your defeats. No restlessness or discontent can change your lot. Others may have other circumstances surrounding them, but here are yours. You had better make up your mind to accept what you cannot alter. You can live a beautiful life in the midst of your present circumstances. —J. R. MILLER.

Strive to realize a state of inward happiness, independent of circumstances.

Daily Strength for Daily Needs - August 14

Public domain content taken from Daily Strength for Daily Needs by Mary Wilder Tileston.

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