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July 8

Home Missions

Whatsoever house ye enter into, there abide. — Luke 9:4

The place to carry the gospel is right into people’s homes. We must take it down along the streets and alleys, and over the fields and hills, entering every door, and telling the old, old story by the firesides and at that household tables. It should be the aim of every church to reach every house in its parish with the gospel. Christians should go themselves to this work, and not merely send a hired carrier to put tracts under the people’s doors. Tracts are good; but we should take them ourselves and add to them the gifts of our own warm love and eager sympathy and interest. We should get the sweet gospel into every home by telling it from our own lips.

Did you ever think what a wondrous blessing it is to a home when the salvation of Christ comes to it? Think what a dark and sad place a godless home is, with not prayer, no recognition of God’s love and mercy, no shelter, no comfort in sorrow, no hope in death. Then think what Christ brings when He is admitted. Peace come with Him, for sin is pardoned. God’s love builds a shelter over the home; for they are His children who dwell there now. There is communication direct from heaven, a ladder running up, with angels upon it and God above it. There is comfort in sorrow, help in trial, strength in weakness, hope in dying..

For illustration of the two homes — the godless and the godly — we can picture an Egyptian and a Hebrew home on that night when the angel of death came to slay the firstborn. The blood on the door-post made the difference. Christ’s blood on the door of a home is a shelter from every woe. Would it not be a great thing if we could carry Christ’s gospel into every home about us where Christ has not already been received? Do you know a home where there is no prayer? Will you not try to open that door for Jesus?

Daily Word of God - July 8

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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