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September 19

I press toward... the prize. — Phil 3:14

The best ever lies before us if we are truly following Christ.

Life is a mountain climb, and we never get to the summit in this world. Paul tells us that he has not yet reached the end of his race. But he is pressing on with inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm. He forgets the things, which are behind.

Some people live altogether in their past. They tell you over and over of the great things they have done. Paul had done a great many brave and noble things, but he forgot them all, never talked about them, did not take time to record them – he was so eager to get on and to attain loftier heights, to do greater things, to win greater victories. Before him lay the goal with the prize of life, and to this he pressed continually.

It is a noble picture, this old apostle, at an age when many men are talking about “the dead line,” still reaching forward and holding eyes fixed on the real goal of his life far ahead.

We ought not to lose the lesson.

Mornings With God - September 19

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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