Morning Prayer

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Sunday, Week 8

Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray at all times and not lose heart
— Luke 18:1 (BSB)

I firmly believe a great many prayers are not answered because we are not willing to forgive someone.
— Dwight L. Moody

Most gracious God, who in Your good providence has permitted us to see the light of another Sunday — draw near to us in mercy. May the Sun of righteousness arise upon us, with healing in His wings. May our fellowship this day be with You, the Father, and with Your Son, Jesus Christ. May all unworthy thoughts be repressed, and may our hearts be filled with holy desires. Be a guest in our home today. Abide with us and sanctify all our home life.

We beseech You to bless all the assemblies of Your people who shall gather for Your worship today in any part of the world. May Your Spirit be given to all who preach and teach in the name of Jesus, and to all who love You. May Your word have great power. May lost sinners be convicted and led to repentance. May Christians be strengthened and edified. May sorrowing ones be comforted. May the children and the young receive holy and heavenly impulses and be blessed. May this be a day of the power of the Most High, and may its influence be deep and abiding.

We beseech You, O God, to give us a good Sunday in our own home. Help us to remember the day, and to keep it in such a way as to please You and receive blessing in our lives. May our love for each other be quickened as we worship together. May Your love be shed abroad in our hearts more richly. May we stay near to Your heart all the day. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sunday, Week 8

Public domain content taken from Family Prayers for Thirteen Weeks by J.R. Miller.

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