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December 14

He was afterward an hungred. ...The tempter came. — Matt 4:2-3

The devil watches for seasonable times. He knows when to bring his temptation to bear upon a man. Everyone has his weak hours, and Satan lies in wait for these hours. He does not tempt us with something we do not want, but with something that will appeal to a craving of our nature. Satan watches, and when he finds us weak and weary, he takes advantage of our condition. Thus he came to Elijah after the strain of Carmel and caused him to flee. He comes to the lonesome and homesick boy, tempting him to seek company that will ruin him.

He adapts his temptations to our special experiences. Jesus was hungry, after His long fasting, and Satan tempted Him to use His divine power to turn stones into bread. Many temptations come to people who are hungry. They are tempted to steal, to be dishonest, or in some way to sell themselves to get bread. We need always learn to trust the keeping of our souls to Him who has overcome the tempter.

Mornings With God - December 14

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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