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November 19

Suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all Galileans, because they suffered. — Luke 13:2

There is a mystery in suffering which no one can fathom or understand. In ancient times the belief was that troubles were punishment for wrongs committed. We cannot tell why there is so much pain in human life. We may be sure, however, that if we accept our trouble, it will leave a blessing in our lives.

There are many sufferers who are blessed above measure through their pain. I remember a woman who for fourteen years had not walked a step. She sat in her chair, unable to lift hand or foot. Every joint in her body was drawn, and she suffered excruciating pain continually. Yet, I never saw such patience, such uncomplaining quietness. Her face shone as if it had been transfigured by a holy light burning within. She was a benediction to her household. There poured out from her room an influence which softened all the home hearts. There is a blessed ministry of suffering whose influence we never can realize in this world.

Mornings With God - November 19

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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