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November 26

He sought to see Jesus. — Luke 19:3

Charles Wagner, in one of his sermons in this country, preached about Zacchaeus. First, he said that Zacchaeus was so little that he could not see Christ, and had to get up a little higher so that he could look at Him. A good many people are like Zacchaeus. They are little and cannot see over people’s heads, and must get up higher before they can get a good view of Jesus Christ. They must leave their worldliness, their selfishness, and their sin, so as to get faith’s look from higher ground.

The second thing about Zacchaeus, Mr. Wagner said, was that he had to come down from his high place before he could receive Christ. There are people also in these days who are too high up and have to get to lower ground before they can take Christ into their hearts and lives. We have to leave our pride, our self–confidence, our self–esteem, our own works, and come in penitence, in humility, in entire dependence upon Christ, before we can take Him into our hearts and know Him as our Saviour and Friend.

Mornings With God - November 26

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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