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November 28

He saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. — Luke 21:2

In our modern days most financial transactions are made in large figures. Men deal in millions, and not in shillings and pence. It seems hardly worth while to give a shilling or half a crown to God, when we read of some other person giving five or ten thousand pounds. But God takes as careful note of the smallest gifts as of the largest. That day in the temple the widow’s mite amounted to more in His sight than all the large gifts which the rich men gave. She gave all, and had nothing left; they gave large sums, and had large sums remaining.

God is pleased with the smallest things that are done for Him, if they are done in love and faith. Some one said that Jesus built three monuments when He was on the earth – one for the widow who gave the two mites, one for the man who gave a cup of cold water to another who was thirsty, and the third for the woman who brought the alabaster box, of whom He said, “ She hath done what she could.”

Mornings With God - November 28

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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