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October 12

I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance. — 2 Pet 3:1

It is well that our minds shall be often stirred up and kept in remembrance of things we ought not to forget. Jesus recognized this when He gave the Lord’s Supper.

We cannot conceive how much the Communion has done through the Christian centuries to keep the name of Christ precious in this world of care and sin.

Someone visiting the studio of an artist observed some highly colored stones lying on his table. When asked why he had these stones always before him, the artist said it was to keep his eye up to tone.

For the same reason we need to keep before us always high ideals of life. Otherwise our minds are apt to drift away from the things that are best.

Someone says that the little sentence, “That will do,” has done more harm than any other sentence in the English language. Being satisfied with the thing that merely “will do” is fatal to our doing the best.

It is well, therefore, to have our pure minds continually stirred up by way of remembrance, “lest we forget.”

Mornings With God - October 12

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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