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October 26

The same came to Jesus by night. — John 3:2

Nicodemus has been blamed for coming to Jesus at night, but there is no ground for the blame. It would be the best time for a quiet talk with Jesus. Jesus Himself did not blame Nicodemus for coming by night. Indeed he did well to come at all. A good many men do not think that they need Him in any way. Nicodemus set a splendid example which all prominent men might follow.

It is interesting to note the things that Jesus talked about with His distinguished visitor. One was the new birth. We can be in the kingdom of heaven only by having a great change wrought in us. Heaven must first come down to us, or we never can get into heaven. The way to have this change take place in us is to receive Christ as our Saviour, and then the Spirit will enter into our heart and live there. Nicodemus was himself born again, for at the last, when Jesus was dead, he came with Joseph to honor Him before all the world.

Mornings With God - October 26

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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