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September 18

Brethren, I have lived before God in all good conscience until this day. — Acts 23:1

There is no greater happiness than to be able to look on a life usefully and virtuously employed: to trace our own purposes in existence by such tokens that excite neither shame nor sorrow.
— Dr. Johnson.

The perfect poise that comes-from self-control,
The poetry of action, rhythmic, sweet—
The unvexed music of the body and soul
That the Greeks dreamed of, made at last complete.
Our stumbling lives attain not such a bliss;
Too often, while the air we vainly beat,
Love’s perfect law of liberty we miss.
— Annie Matheson.


Heavenly Father, may I not confuse my life with rebellion, but through thy guidance find peace. Help me through the perplexities that may keep me from the quietness of to-day. Keep me in sight of the great plan of life, that I may grow steadfastly toward thee. Amen.

Daily Prayer Guide - September 18

Public domain content taken from Leaves of Life by Margaret Bird Steinmetz.

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