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September 2

Jehovah is nigh unto all them that call upon him, To all that call upon, him in truth. — Ps 145:18

And thus we sat in darkness,
Each one busy in his prayer;
“We are lost!” the captain shouted,
As he staggered down the stair.
But the little daughter whispered,
As she took his icy hand,
“Isn’t God upon the ocean,
Just the same as on the land?”
— Eugene Field.

Happiness is through helpfulness. Every morning let us build a booth to shelter some one from life’s fierce heat. Every noon let us dig some life-spring for thirsty lips.
— Newell Dwight Hillis.


Heavenly Father, may I live that my spirit may never feel lost from thee; and when I am in great need of thee, even unto death, may I know that thou art very near. Amen.

Daily Prayer Guide - September 2

Public domain content taken from Leaves of Life by Margaret Bird Steinmetz.

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