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March 23

Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest. — 3John 1:5

And this also we wish, even your perfection. — 2 Cor 13:9

In all the little things of life,
Thyself, Lord, may I see;
In little and in great alike
Reveal Thy love to me.

So shall my undivided life
To Thee, my God, be given;
And all this earthly course below
Be one dear path to heaven.

In order to mould thee into entire conformity to His will, He must have thee pliable in His hands, and this pliability is more quickly reached by yielding in the little things than even by the greater. Thy one great desire is to follow Him fully; canst thou not say then a continual “yes” to all His sweet commands, whether small or great, and trust Him to lead thee by the shortest road to thy fullest blessedness?

With meekness, humility, and diligence, apply yourself to the duties of your condition. They are the seemingly little things which make no noise that do the business.

Daily Strength for Daily Needs - March 23

Public domain content taken from Daily Strength for Daily Needs by Mary Wilder Tileston.

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