Evening Prayer

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Monday, Week 8

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful
— Colossians 4:2 (BSB)

Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.
— Oswald Chambers

O almighty and most merciful Lord, fulfill to us, we do beseech You — Your gracious promise to be present with Your people always.

As in the ancient days the pillar of fire that hung over the hosts of Your people was light to them — so may this night be made light to us. May its brightness shine about us. As the stars fill the sky, so may Your promises pour upon us their beams of divine light and love. May we rest under Your protection, as sweetly as a little child sleeps in the bosom of a loving mother.

Look down upon our neighborhood and behold every home. Some are darkened by affliction. In sick rooms the lamp will burn all night and loving watchers will sit in silence, ministering to their dear ones. Be in those homes and sit with the watchers, whispering the word of cheer and hope.

Other homes there are, where there is an empty chair at the table, and in the circle that gathers about the family altar. Send Your comfort. Make so real the truth of immortality, that death shall not appear as death at all, that the departed shall not seem gone — but near in Jesus.

Still other homes there are where anxious mothers and fathers sit with breaking hearts, grieving over children gone astray. Hear the sobbing supplications which rise from these saddest of all homes. Find the wandering ones and save them. Then there are homes which are very happy with love, with blessings, and mercies, with unbroken circles. Give these Your joy and peace, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

Monday, Week 8

Public domain content taken from Family Prayers for Thirteen Weeks by J.R. Miller.

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