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December 5

Peter, James, and John his brother. — Matt 17:1

Jesus had His special friendships. All the apostles belonged to His personal family, but there were three who enjoyed closest intimacy with Him. In the Garden of Gethsemane these three were chosen to be nearest to Him, that by their sympathy they might strengthen Him and thus help Him to endure His sore agony.

There must have been something in these three men which fitted them for the place in the inner circle to which they were admitted. It was not mere blind partiality in Jesus that made them His best–beloved. We know that the holiest get nearest to Christ. Faith also brings us near, while doubt and unbelief separate. Purity of heart brings us close – The pure in heart shall see God. Likeness to Christ fits for personal friendship.

Jesus said that those who serve most self–forgetfully are first in His kingdom. Selfishness keeps us far off. It is a comfort to find Peter, though very faulty, was admitted to closest friendship with Christ.

Mornings With God - December 5

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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