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December 6

There appeared unto them Moses and Elijah talking with Him. — Matt 17:3

For about nine hundred years Elijah had been in heaven, and for more than fourteen hundred years Moses had been away from this world, but both reappear here, still living, speaking, and working. There are many proofs of immortality; here is an illusion – we see two men, centuries after they had lived on earth, still alive and busy in God’s service. It will be the same with us and our friends – thousands of years after we have vanished from earth we shall still be living and active.

It is interesting to think of the talk which these two men had with Jesus. They were sent to strengthen Him as He set out for His cross. He would have bitter sorrows, and they came to speak their word of cheer. No doubt His heart was stronger because of this visitation. May there not be a hint in this of the kind of employment that shall fill the hands of the redeemed in the other life? Possibly we may be sent to distant worlds, on errands of love, to carry help to weary ones.

Mornings With God - December 6

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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